36 Chambers of Growth

“If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

-Nikola Tesla

 The COVID pandemic was the greatest success to the sport.  The market surged quickly; creating new opportunities to capitalize and “Grow the Sport”.  Our universe abides by its own set of laws and strictly enforces Ebb & Flow.  The market drastically plummeted with a quick snap.  Those who were naive about the short term growth and disrespected the free market would succumb to their long term faults.  Then those who were able to capitalize to use the opportunity to “Grow the Sport” prepared themselves for the inevitable.  These individuals devoted themselves to that phrase and saw the opportunity to plant the seed all across the Earth.  If you are one of those individuals reading this…Thank you.

36 Chambers of Growth is the WSDG way to help “Grow the Sport.  All golf discs and other equipment stock are priced at $xx.36 which it’s $xx.41 over MAP.  The $xx.41 and any dollar amount over MAP goes into the “Grow the Sport” entity.  It goes directly to schools, disc golf courses locally and beyond our reach, non-profit clubs and entities, disaster relief, etc. to help support the growth.

We are the change.  Be the change.